Saturday, September 3, 2022




History offers us interesting anecdote. Once a palmist told Napoleon that he would never be able to win a single battle because the victory line on his palm was ill-formed. Napoleon immediately took a knife and asked the palmist to show him the line which is ill-formed. After he was shown the ill-formed line on his palm, he cut a deep line over the palm and ask the palmist “Do you think know I would be able to win every war now”? After this Napoleon did go on winning war after war. 

 World’s first large collection of maps was published by Abraham Ortelius of Antwerp in 1570.

Radio waves travel at the speed of visible light about 300000 kilometer per hour whereas sound travel at 332 kilometer per hour.

The rays from the sun reaches earth in 8 minutes and 30 seconds. 

The space shuttle when traveling at its top speed of 24941 mile per hour can circle the Earth in one hour.

John Logie Baird, inventor of T.V. in 1926 transmitted by radio the first T.V. pictures of the moving human face and in 1931, he broadcast pictures of the Derby horse race.

In India, T.V. was introduced in Delhi in September 1959.

In 1945, Arthur C. Clarke suggested the idea of artificial satellites. Telstar, the first commercial satellites was launched in 1962.

RADIO – Human voice was first broadcast in 1915. Dame Melba was one of the earliest singers to broadcast form Chelmsford station in England.

Do you know India have 120 festivals?

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