Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Name of herbs/medicinal plants of Assam

 Name of herbs/medicinal plants of Assam


1.       Aakon Plant - Its scientific name is Calotropis gigantea & family Asclepiadaceae.  Medicinal Uses are its latex is used in piles, ringworm, carbuncle, cough and caries; roots used in insect bite, asthma and in impotency; stem is used in tonsillitis and epilepsy; leaves used in cough, spleen enlargement, piles, whooping cough and asthma. Leaves are used to cure heel pain as shown in my earlier video. In one study of the cancer-fighting properties of Calotropis gigantea, DCM extracts were demonstrated to be strongly cytotoxic against non-small cell lung carcinoma, colon carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. These extracts show promise as cancer medications. Calotropis is a poisonous plant & is used as an arrow poison & cattle poison. 


searching for herbs/medicinal plants

2.      Aatlos & in English Custard apple - Scientific name is Annona reticulate of family Annonaceae. Medicinal uses are its  roots are used as purgative; roots, bark and leaves used in jaundice. It controls our blood pressure & contain Vitamin A, which keeps our eyes, skin and hair healthy. Custard apple are high in magnesium, they equalize the water balance in our body, which helps in removing acids from the joints & reduces the symptoms of rheumatism & arthritis. If you feel tired and weak more often than usual, then have this fruit in your daily diet, as the potassium present in it will help to fight muscle weakness.


3.       Akol bir - Its scientific name is Clerodendrum indicum of family Verbenaceae. Medicinal uses are Roots are used in asthma, epilepsy, lung problem, painful swelling of gum, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.


4.       Amor Lota & some common names are heart-leaved moonseed, gaduchi, & giloya. Its scientific name is Tinospora cordifolia of family Menispermaceae. Medicinal Uses :  Stem used in liver disorders, cough, hydrocele, as aphrodisiac, diuretic and cardiotonic; leaves in carbuncle. Give very good result in treating diabetes. It is also used to treat high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), upset stomach, gout, lymphoma and other cancers, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease (PUD), fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, and to boost the immune system. Its root, stems, and leaves are used in Ayurvedic medicine. I had once cut a stem & kept it in my store room & forgotten about it & after one year one of my friends saw it & found the stem still alive, which was without water & lying on a concrete floor for about one year. On planting it, it started growing into a new plant. This herbal plant contains many different chemicals that might affect the body. Some of these chemicals have antioxidant effects & others might increase the activity of the body's immune system. Some chemicals might have activity against cancer cells.


5.       Arjun tree - Scientific name is Terminalia arjuna of family Combritaceae. Medicinal Uses are its roots used in elephantiasis; bark used in otorrhoea, ulcer in mouth, heart trouble, dysentery, asthma, gastric ulcer, chronic bronchitis and as blood purifier; seeds used in burn injuries. This plant has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties & works as a heart tonic, improves aerobic endurance, and helps manage cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. It can help heal wounds faster and tackle fungal infections and diarrhea. It may also have a protective effect on your liver and kidneys.


6.       Aparajita flowering plant also known as Asian pigeonwings, bluebellvine, blue pea & butterfly pea. Scientific name is Clitoria ternatea of family Fabaceae. The flowers of this vine were imagined to have the shape of human female genitals, hence the Latin name of the genus "Clitoria", from "clitoris". Medicinal uses are the whole plant used in hemicrania and elephantiasis; roots used in headache, menstrual irregularities, intestinal colic, ascites, goiter, whooping cough, leucoderma, to prevent natural aboration and for treatment of impotency of female. Butterfly Pea is a diuretic helps in promoting normal urination and can be used for dysuria (difficulty urinating).


7.       Ashok tree - Scientific name is Saraca asoca of family Caesalpiniaceae. Bark used in leucorrhoea, menorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, uterine ailments, menstrual disorder and pyorrhea and as blood purifier; flowers used in menorrhoea. The flowers are also sundried & eaten to control over urine. The skin, fruit & flowers are very beneficial. The skin of this plant is used for treatment of AIDS. The juice of the skin of this plant if applied can stop bleeding instantly.


8.      Athia-kol, Bhim-kol plant - Scientific name is Musa bulbisiana Colla of family Musaceae. Medicinal uses are  Rhizome used in gingivitis, liver disorders and dysentery; fruits used in diarrhoea, dysentery and cough; leaves used as vermicide; inflorescence in piles, goiter.


9.      Bet/Jati-bet - Scientific name Calamus erectus of family Arecaceae. Medicinal uses are Tender shoots used as vermicide & is a favorite bitter traditional dish. One of the best medicinal food found on Earth & if eaten can prevent & cure most of the diseases like blood disorders, diabetes, tumors, cancers, bone disorders, skin diseases, regulates menstruation & much more. It can boost our immunity to the maximum & can protect us from various kind of diseases.


10.  Bhedai lota also famous as king of tonic plant. Scientific name Paderia scandens of family Rubiaceae. Medicinal uses are Leaves used in rheumatism, liver disorders, dysentery, diarrhea, abdominal gripe, anaemia, dyspepsia and acidity. It is also used to stimulate the central nervous system. It is also used in the treatment of fever. A healthy soup is prepared from the leaves & is consumed as a tonic. The leaves of this herb are boiled and mashed which are an anti-inflammatory & helpful in relieving any kind of inflammation in the body. It is usually administered after treatment of fever, to improve strength and immunity. It is said that this herb can spread easily in the body & can relax the body nerves, which act as a perfect remedy for getting relief from rheumatism, contraction in the joints or stiffness. It can also relieve bloating, abdominal pain & the leaves are used extensively for relieving herpes infection. The Paederia Foetida is useful in treating infertility, colic and flatulence.


11.  Bhimraj & Bhringaraj - Scientific name is Wedelia chinensis of family Asteraceae. Medicinal Uses are Leaves used in hemicrania, headache, earache, ascites, dysentery and night blindness. It contains hair-vitalising herbs which can prevent premature greying and help in dealing with hair loss. Bhringaraj has been found to speed up the process of hair growth along with increasing hair follicles in the phase of hair growth. Bhringaraj works great when it comes to improving hair growth.


12.  Bhomora - Scientific name is Terminalia bellerica of family Combritaceae. Uses :  Fruits used in dysentery, blood dysentery and as expectorant; seeds used in common cold, influenza and in asthma. Also famous as Bahera, Bibhitaki is a great immune booster & as the name suggests, makes the persons fearless of all diseases and it keeps us away from diseases. Vibheetaki is the common synonym used for bibhitaki meaning lack of fear. Bibhitaki is an anti atherogenic agent (which helps to reduce cholesterol). It also helps in the effective management of obesity and helps in weight loss. Bibhitaki is a natural blood purifier and contains dietary fibers. Regular use of bibhitaki oil is very beneficial to hair health. It is an effective remedy for dandruff and lice infection. Bibhitaki oil also prevents the premature greying of hair. The health benefits & medicinal properties of bibhitaki is innumerable & can protect us from all diseases.


13.  Bhui-amlokhi, Bon-amlokhi - Scientific name is Phyllanthus fraternus of family Euphorbiaceae. Medicine Uses :  Roots and shoots used in jaundice and intermitten fever; shoots used dysentery. It is a very popular folk medicine to treat liver disorders, kidney & spleen, particularly due to Hepatitis-B & Jaundice intestinal infection diabetes, etc. It is a herbal remedy, for kidney stones & very effective in the treatment of jaundice. This herb is one of the essential ingredients of many formulations used in the recovery of bronchitis, leprosy, asthma, anemia, urinary discharge, anuria, biliousness, chronic dysentery and hiccough.


14.  Bishalyakarani - Scientific name I don’t know because some say it is Amaranthus tricolor & some say it is  Menispermum cordifolium of family Amaranthaceae. Medicine Uses :  Shoots used in menorrhagia; leaves used on cuts and wounds as styptic. This is a medicinal plant known in our local language as Bishalyakarani (বিশল্যকৰণী). This plant's leaf is used by many as herb which can help a person to get relief from any kind of uneasy physical sensation in one's body, emotions experienced when not in a state of well-being, bodily distress, bodily suffering, pain, ache, stops bleeding & much more. People suffering from blood clotting are often provided this herb & it is said that this herb can stop bleeding almost instantly. Some people lack sufficient blood-clotting proteins & may bleed for a longer time after an injury in which this herb is very useful for treatment of blood clotting.


15.  Brahmi - Scientific name is Bacopa monnieri of family Scorphulariaceae. Medical Uses: Roots used in nervous debility & seminal debility; leaves used in epilepsy, cough, loss of memory, liver disorders, bronchitis and as diuretic. Brahmi veggie also known as herb of grace & in English known as Bacopa monnieri or the Indian pennywort. Brahmi is an herb used in Ayurveda & known as Brahmi, after Brahma “the creator God” of the Hindu pantheon. This herb was said to be used by ancient Vedic scholars to memorize lengthy sacred hymns & scriptures. It acts like as a tonic for the nerves, & recommended to peoples with low RBC count. It is also used in cancer treatment as a chemo protective drug. Brahmi is eaten as a brain food & can energize the brain & very helpful in enhancing memory. During migraine & headache it is used to get relaxation. It is normally avoided during pregnancy & breast feeding. Excessive consumption of this herb may cause liver problems headache, Nausea & dizziness.


16.  Chal-kunwari - Scientific name is Aloe barbadensis of family Lyliaceae. Uses :  Leaves used in piles, speenomegaly, peptic ulcer, liver disorders, burn injuries and otorrhoea. Pure aloe vera gel is made up of 1% glycoproteins & polysaccharides with 99% water. Glycoproteins help our body to reduce inflammation & pain while polysaccharides promote skin repair very fast. Studies have also revealed that both glycoproteins & polysaccharides helps in activating the immune system of the body to fight off infections around the anus & rectum. When a person eats pure aloe vera gel the aloe latex present in the aloe vera leaves contains anthraquinone glycosides that have potent laxative properties & helps in softening the stool & can smoothen bowel movement & prevents haemorrhoids from worsening. It is also said that while eating fresh pure aloe vera gel if fresh aloe vera gel is applied directly on the external haemorrhoid with the fingers & massage for a few minutes can give amazing result within a few weeks. Though it is said that pure aloe gel is safe to try but one should be very careful while eating & applying the same as there are many varieties of aloe vera & some may be harmful if eaten orally. Generally the taste of aloe vera is very bitter in taste.


17.  Chirata plant - Scientific name is Swertia chirayita of family Gentianaceae. Famous as king of bitters. Uses :  Stem used in stomach disorders, skin diseases, vermicide and fever. Another best way to remove toxins from our organs is to make a drink from this herbal plant’s bitter stems & also famous as king of bitters. The drink prepared from this plant can purify our blood and is a trusted home remedy for pimples, acne, dark blemishes, dull and dry skin without any side effects. Most of the popular tonic we purchased from market contains high arsenic levels & can harm our vital organs like the liver & kidneys but the drink prepared from this herb is harmless & super effective. Cut small amount of this stem & sundry it in proper sunlight till the stems are hardened. Now dip the stems in a glass of water for the whole night. In the morning the colour of water will look somewhat green yellowish & drinking the same in an empty stomach can not only purify our blood but can boost immunity with lots of super health benefits. This Chirata drink contains powerful antioxidants, alkaloids, and glycosides such as stearic acid, oleic acid. This herbal bitter drink is also use to cure malaria since ancient times. This bitter drink is also famous as liver tonic


18.  Dhekia plant & famous as poor man’s food as it is found in abundance. Scientific name is Microlepia spelunce of family Dennstaedtiaceae. Uses : Roots used in sexual debility, menorrhagia, jaundice and haemorrhage. A decoction of the leaves is used as a tonic for women after they have given birth. Fern believed efficacious to heal wounds because of its vitamin C content is high, i.e. 30 mg per 100 g. The leaves are dark green fern rich in beta-carotene, which plays an important role in regulating the body's metabolism & help boost immunity against various diseases, especially infectious diseases. The leaves of ferns can prevent arthritic diseases due to the rich content of calcium and phosphorus, which are good for maintenance of bone health. The leaves are rich in micronutrients, beta-carotene, folic acid, minerals (Ca, Fe & P). They are also a rich source of iron & vitamin B. Traditionally this plant rhizomes & young leaves are used as folk medicines for treatment of hemoptysis & coughs. It is eaten with boiled rice as vegetable for laxative effect. Leaves are used to treat headache, pain, fever, wounds, dysentery, diarrhea & various skin infections.


19.  Dubari-bon plant - Scientific name is Cynodon dactylon of family Poaceae. Uses :  Whole plants used in blood dysentery, epistaxis, menorrhagia, haemorrhage, spermatorrhoea, vomiting, scabies, blood dysentery, dysuria, prickly heats, piles and menstrual disorders. This grass is a valuable herbal medicinal & used as first aid by many peoples of Assam. Farmers traditionally apply crushed leaves to minor wounds to stop bleeding & people with eye disorders and weak vision are advised to walk bare foot on dew drops spread over this grass plant each morning for better eyesight. This grass destroys foulness of breath, useful in leucoderma, bronchitis, piles, asthma, tumors, and enlargement of the spleen and useful against grippe in children, and for pains, inflammations, toothache. Virus-affected discolored leaves of Cynodon are used for the treatment of liver complaints. In Homoeopathic systems of medicine, it is used to treat all types of skin diseases & bleeding problems.


20.  Dron, Drona-puspa plant - Scientific name Leucas plukenetii of family Lamiaceae. Uses :  Roots used in headache; leaves used in indigestion, jaundice, epistaxis and whooping cough; flowers used in dysmenorrhoea. After washing the leaves the leaves are grinded & the juice are taken out for various medicinal uses. Two drops of juice & 2 drops of water are mixed & drops are put into the nasal cavity for 3 days to get relief from nose bleeding. The plant's flowers, seeds, roots, berries, bark or leaves, can also be inhaled to help treat nasal congestion, coughing, cold, headache and fever.


21.  Gakhiroti-bon plant - Scientific name is Euphorbia hirta of family Euphorbiaceae. Uses :  Whole plant used in jaundice and dysentery; leaves used in conjunctivitis. It is a very common annual hispid herb, with milky latex, & hence its name dudhi, which means milk. This herb is often used traditionally, for female disorders, respiratory ailments, like cough, coryza, bronchitis, & asthma, worm infestations in children, dysentery, jaundice, pimples, gonorrhea, digestive problems, & tumors. All herbs are more, or less toxic, & there are many other species of Euphorbia, which are used in traditional medicines. All species of Euphorbia, exudes a milky juice, when broken, which is more or less poisonous, and use as an ingredient in arrow poisons. It is primarily used as a medicinal herb, due to its unique chemical structure, and powerful effects on the body


22.  Jaluk/Jhaluk plant - Scientific name is Piper nigrum of family Piperaceae. It is used in liver disorders; fruits used in cough and cold, dysmenorrhoea, influenza and in flatulence. Black pepper is a hot spice & used to enhance the taste factor of any kind of food from an omelette, chicken fry or your favourite veggie dish to your regular black tea. The black pepper also known as black gold due to its medicinal healing powers on the human body. Eating freshly ground pepper in raw form i.e. not cooked is said to provide the maximum health benefits that can help remove harmful free radicals and protect the body from cancers and diseases.

23.  Joba plant - Scientific name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis of family Malvaceae. Uses    :  Bark used to remove dandruf; leaves used in gonorrhoea, menorrhagia haemorrhage and asthma. There are several species of Hibiscus of many different colours, from red, pink, white, purple, to yellow. The red Hibiscus also known as China Rose due to its red colour is used for hair treatment as a natural shampoo since ancient times, before modern artificial shampoos, are produced. The leaves of Hibiscus flowers or Brahmi Plant (Bacopa monnieri) and Indian Gooseberry are ground into a fine paste with the albumen of an egg (only the white part), and the resulting lathery paste have the natural power to heal, shine & beautify hairs, also removed every bit of dandruff from hairs. If the leaves are used once a week than it can stop hair loss & hair greying completely. This flower has also got many other health benefit such as controlling blood pressure, skin care, which act as an anti-solar agent by absorbing ultraviolet radiation, etc.


24.  Hilikha/Haritaki/Silikha/শিলিখা - Scientific name is Terminalia chebula of family Combretaceae. In English it is called black- or chebulic myrobalan.  Famous as the "King of Herbs" in India for its remarkable gut cleansing and healing properties on the body. Haritaki is used to treat health problem of   digestion, diabetes, cancer, obesity, oral hygiene, brain function & much more. The fruit is crushed & the extraction is used to colour grey hairs. Too much eating of this fruit can upset your stomach.


25.  Jetuka & famous as Henna & Mehndi tree. Scientific name is Lawsonia inermis of family Lythraceae. Henna or Mehndi is an evergreen plant.  Uses : Bark used in jaundice & to treat liver disease; leaves used in noctural pollution and epilepsy. Henna flowers are used to treat headaches, Fresh leaves are used to treat a variety of skin conditions & promotes healthy hair.


26.  Jika & famous as ridge gourd. Scientific name is Luffa acutangula of family Cucurbitaceae. Uses : Seeds used in eczema and asthma. The seeds are squeezed & its extraction are taken as nasal drops to treat sinus & allergy problems.  All parts of the ridge gourd plant, fruits, leaves, seeds & roots are used for their medicinal value. Its seeds are used as a laxative, purgative, instant relief from running nose, block nose, jaundice, skin diseases, dysentery, piles, asthma & enhance eyesight. It is one of the best diet for those who are looking for weight loss, treat constipation helps in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level, boost liver health, purifies blood, manage acidity as well as ulcers. People suffering from running nose & nose blocking may take one fresh seed of luffa acutangula/ridged gourd & wrap the seed in a clean cloth & press it above your nose so that 3 – 4 drops of the seed juice fall in your nose. Continue it daily once a day for one to two weeks to get permanent relief from running nose & block nose. Its juice is utilized to heal patients of jaundice also.


27.  Jam-lakhuti plant - Scientific name is Costus speciosus of family Costaceae. Uses : Rhizome used in whooping cough & jaundice. This is an Ayurveda medicinal plant where the rhizome has been used to treat fever, rash, asthma, whooping cough, jaundice, bronchitis, kidney problems, urinary problems, small pox, intestinal worms, eye & ear infections. Leaves are given in mental disorders. It is mentioned in the Kama Sutra as an ingredient in a cosmetic to be used on the eyelashes to increase sexual attractiveness. This medicinal plant is used by drug industry as a natural source of diosgenin which is a steroidal sapogenin used for synthesis of sex hormones, cortisone and oral contraceptives.


28.  Jilmil-sak/Bhatuwa-sak plant - Scientific name is Chenopodium album of Family : Chenopodiaceae & commonly known as Chenopodium & mostly found in the warm regions. Leaves used in sinusitis and as vermicide. Eating this leafy veggie can enhance appetite & increase the production of haemoglobin.  This leafy veggie is also rich in Amino acids, which helps our body to make proteins & helps our body to grow, repair body tissue & perform many other body functions. This leafy veggie is often eaten by people who use to suffer from kidney problems because it helps in maintaining a good kidney health & can prevent kidney stone formation.


29.  Kach-kol or Pura-kol plant - Scientific name is Musa sapiantum of family Musaceae. Uses : Fruit used in peptic ulcer. This fruit is one of the most natural effective means to get instant relief from dysentery. The skin is peeled slightly & it is cut into small round pieces & dip in water for 2-3 hours. The water is taken out & drink to get instant relief from dysentery & severe diarrhea or frequent & watery bowel.


30.  Kardai-tenga & famous as Carambola or star fruit. Scientific name is Averrhoa carambola of family Averrhoaceae. Uses : Roots used in pyorrhea; fruits used in jaundice. This fruit helps in maintaining a healthy blood pressure level, boost digestion, diabetic friendly, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack and other disorders, good for the skin & very beneficial for hair growth. People with kidney disease should avoid this star fruit. Healthy people with normal kidneys can process and pass the toxin from this start out from their body but it can have a harmful (toxic) effect for people who have kidney disease.


31.  Kata-khutora/Hati-khutora plant. Scientific name is Amaranthus spinosus of family Amaranthaceae & in English famous as Amaranth leafy vegetable. Uses : Roots used in dysuria; leaves used in eczema, anaemia, jaundice and as vegetable as lactagogue; stem used in burning sensation during urination. : Amaranth is a common leafy vegetable & is cooked like a normal leafy vegetable to eat or can be boiled & served with olive oil & lemon. Amaranth leafy vegetable can prevent macular degeneration & stops the development of cataracts, prevents osteoporosis & demineralization of the bones & extend super active life into our old age, helps in creating new cells & tissues, prevent healthy cells to mutate into cancerous cells, prevent defects in new-borns & much more.


32.  Kath aloo plant - Scientific name is Dioscorea alata/Dioscorea bulbifera of family Dioscoriaceae. Uses :  Tuber used in swelling. Since my childhood days I have seen this Yam plant eating by my ancestors especially during the occasion of bihu festival during the month of January. There are over 600 species of wild yam & I am showing the Yam species found in Assam & its roots locally known as Kath aloo has been traditionally used in conjunction with lactation. It contains an enzyme that provides a natural alternative to hormonal replacement in women who have reached menopause. Wild yam is also known to support the female endocrine system. This Yam helps human beings especially females to balance the hormones & increase energy and sexual drive in men and women if taken once a year as believed traditionally. Yam is an herb which can help to heal the bodily conditions from a holistic standpoint. It supports the body & stimulates it to heal. Yam has also amazing anti-ageing benefits & it contains skin-friendly nutrients like beta carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and antioxidants which can help to prevent wrinkles & other signs of ageing.


33.  Kathana Phul plant - Scientific name is Tabernaemontana divaricate of family Apocynaceae. Uses : Latex used on sty. (sty means An infection of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid). All plant parts are used in traditional Medicine. For eye ailments: a paste is prepared with juice extraction from the flower buds and mixed with breast milk then put on the eyes. Soaking the buds in water and using this to wash the face is also traditionally used to clean vision problems. Some members of the genus Tabernaemontana are used as additives to some versions of the psychedelic drink ayahuasca; the genus is known to contain ibogaine, conolidine and voacangine. It is used in preparations in native medicine to treat eye injuries and as an anxiolytic. Conolidine is used as a pain killer.


34.  Kehraji-bon/Kehraj-bon plant - Scientific name is Eclipta  prostrata of family Asteraceae. Uses :  Whole plant used in hemicarnia, syphilis; leaves used in cold and cough, leucoderma, liver disorders, water sore & headache; roots used in impotency & pyorrhoea. This plant is used as traditional medicines for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory tract disorders (including asthma), fever, hair loss and greying of hair, liver disorders (including jaundice), skin disorders, spleen enlargement, and cuts and wounds. Pharmacological activities of plant extracts & individual phytoconstituents have revealed anticancer, hepatoprotective, snake venom neutralizing, anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties.


35.    Kothal  plant - Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus of family Moraceae. Uses : Wood is used on blistering spots on the body with burning and sensation. Fruits & leaves are used to treat diabetes. Jackfruit is a healthful source of vitamin C and other essential nutrients & provide a number of health benefits. It’s low in calories, provides ample vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin C, and packs in a surprising blood pressure-lowering potassium. It's also rich in fiber, which means it can help you feel satisfied on fewer calories. 60% of dietary fiber in jackfruit is insoluble fiber, which means a bulk of the jackfruit meal is just passing through the body without getting digested and considered very gut-healthy. Jackfruit is Gluten Free and can be a silver bullet for diabetic patients with Gluten allergy.


36.  Lai-jabori plant - Scientific name is Drymaria cordata of family Caryophyllaceae. Uses :  Whole plant used in nasal polypus, sinusitis, hemicarnia, used as laxative. This plant is very effective for sinusitis & other nasal troubles & heals respiratory disorders like colds, bronchitis & asthma. The decoction of the whole plant is also used in vomiting and diarrhoea. This plant leaves are eaten raw or cooked. The tender leaves & shoots are chopped and cooked alone or with other vegetables such as amaranth & served with a staple such as rice. The plant juice is eaten to get rid of any kind of respiratory disorder.


37.  Machenderi plant - Scientific name is Houttuynia cordata Thunb of family Saururaceae. Uses : Whole plant used in flatulence, dysmenorrhoea and dysentery; leaves used in colic and bilous pain, sores and as diuretic. Houttuynia cordata is also used in folk medicine for diuresis and detoxification and herbal medicine for its antiviral, antibacterial and antileukemic activities. Houttuynia cordata was used by Chinese scientists to tackle SARS as it is conventionally used to treat pneumonia. This plant leaves are widely used as a general detox for ridding the body from harmful bacteria.


38.  Manimooni plant - Scientific name is Centella asiatica of family Apiaceae & commonly known as Asiatic pennywort or Gotu kola. This plant is Demulcent, alterative, tonic, diaphoretic, diuretic antiviral; antipyretic (root, leaf and stalk); purifies blood. There are several varieties found around the world & in Assam two varieties are available one has got smaller leaves than the other one & works much better as an herb. This plant contains certain chemicals that seem to decrease inflammation and also decrease blood pressure in veins. Gotu kola also seems to increase collagen production, which is important for wound healing. Applying it to second-degree burns can heal a burn injury must faster. Consuming it orally for 4-8 weeks can improve blood circulation & reduce swelling in people with poor blood circulation in the legs. Some say it is good for enhancing memory power.


39.  Mati-kanduri plant - Scientific name is Alternanthera sessilis of family Amaranthaceae & also famous as sessile joyweed & dwarf copperleaf. Uses :  Leaves used in dysentery and liver disorders; roots used in spermatorrhoea. The plant grows wild, but is also cultivated for food & used as herbal medicines. The leaves, flowers and tender stems are consumed as vegetables. The plant is also believed to be beneficial for the eyes & is used as an ingredient in the making of medicinal hair oils & Kajal. If the sessilis leaves are included in our diet it can heal gonorrhea condition infertility in men & helps to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. The flowers of this plant are used to treat night blindness strengthens the eye nerves & improves vision power. It is also use for hair growth.


40.  Nayantora plant - Scientific name is Catharanthus roseus of family Apocynaceae also famous as periwinkle & cancer killing flower plant. Uses : Leaves used in diabetes. During ancient times the extracts of periwinkle roots & shoots are used against several diseases such as treating diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, high blood pressure, malaria & to enhance memory, which led to its study by scientists who then discovered its anti-cancer properties that could be used in chemotherapy.



41.  Narasingha plant - Scientific name is Murraya koenigii of family Rutaceae & famous as the curry tree. Uses :  Leaves used in abdominal gripe, intestinal colic & dysentery. It is popular because of its aroma and striking taste. It helps in weight loss, dysentery, constipation, diarrhea, relieves morning sickness, nausea, Eliminates bacteria, reduce stress, good for diabetics, eyesight skin & hair. Carbazole alkaloid compound in curry leaves speeds up the process of healing wounds such as inflamed skin, boils and first-degree burns. They help in sealing the gap & restore hair growth in the affected area.


42.  Nephaphu plant - Scientific name is Clerodendrum colebrookianum of family Verbenaceae. Uses : Leaves used in hypertension. It is a medicinal plant found in Assam & in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, traditionally used to cure high blood pressure - cardio protective agent & at present it is widely used as a popular household remedy for hypertension/cholesterol, controls triglycerides (TG) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) throughout north-eastern India. People suffering from low blood pressure should not consume this leaf. Roots with bark are helpful in cough, scrofulous affections & asthma. Leaves and roots are used for treatment of skin diseases, cough and dysentery.



43.  Ow-tenga plant - Scientific name is Dillenia indica of family Dilleniaceae. Uses : Roots used in hydrocele and swelling of scrotum; bark used in stranguary; fruit used in dysentery, polydipsia & for dandruff. This fruit is used by village people as a natural shampoo to get rid of dandruff. Traditionally this fruit pulp is used as medicine to cure ailments like nervousness, stomach upsets & fatigues. Studies have shown that this fruit might be a potential source of antidiabetic agents.


44.  Pan plant. Scientific name Piper betle of family Piperaceae & famous as betel leaf. Uses :  Petiole used in constipation; leaves used in menorrhagia and sexual debility. This leaf is an excellent analgesic that offers instant relief from pain. It Eases Constipation, Improves Digestion, good for oral health & is an excellent cure for those suffering from chest, lung congestion & asthma.



45.  Pategaza/Dupor-tenga plant - Scientific name is Kalanchoe pinnata of family Crassulaceae & famous as life plant & miracle leaf. Uses : Leaves used in abscess, gonorrhoea, liver disorders, kidney stone and dysuria. The leaves are astringent, antiseptic, diuretic & febrifuge. They are also used as a counterirritant against poisonous insect bites. The leaf juice is used in the treatment of bilious diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, acute nephritis, lithiasis, phthisis, colds, coughs, grippe & loose bowels. Fresh leaves are crushed and applied to burns; are used as poultices on boils and ulcers; as a treatment for headaches; as a remedy for ringworm; or are placed on the soles of the feet in order to stop haemorrhages. It is mostly used by many to get rid of kidney stones. Cough medicine is prepared from the roots.


46.  Punounouwa plant - Scientific name is Boerhavia diffusa of family Nyctaginaceae. Uses : Whole plant is used in elephantiasis, ascites, jaundice and colitis; roots used in asthma; shoots and leaves used in dropsy. It rejuvenates the whole body that is with routine use of Punarnava a fellow become young again full of vigour & vitality. An extract from the root is used as a kidney & liver tonic. It improves the functioning of kidneys damaged by diabetes. It provides relief from joint pains & inflammation works as a blood purifier gives immunity to the body & improves functioning of lungs.



47.  Ram tulashi plant - Scientific name is Ocimum gratissimum of family Lamiaceae & also famous as clove basil & African basil. Uses : Leaves used in dyspepsia. The essential oil of Ocimum gratissimum contains eugenol and shows some evidence of antibacterial activity. The essential oil has potential for use as a food preservative. In culinary it is used in salads, soups, pastas, vinegars & jellies in many parts of the world. In traditional medicine, the leaves have been used as a general tonic and anti-diarrhea agent and for the treatment of conjunctivitis by instilling directly into the eyes; the leaf oil when mixed with alcohol is applied as a lotion for skin infections, and taken internally for bronchitis. The dried leaves are snuffed to alleviate headaches and fever among other uses.


48.  Sewali-phul plant - Scientific name is Nyctanthes arbor-tristis of family Oleaceae & famous as Night Jasmine. Uses :  Leaves used in intermittent fever, sciatica, toothache, anaemia and as vermicide; flowers used as appetizer. The whole tree is used as folk medicines & is believed to be one of the five trees that exist in heaven with numerous medicinal uses. This tree is also known as "tree of sorrow" because the flowers lose their brightness during daytime & hence the scientific name arbor-tristis meaning "sad tree". The leaves juice is bitter in taste & works as a tonic & medicine for treating fever, cough, high blood pressure & even diabetes. Night Jasmine is used by many to increase platelets, rebuild them faster & stops destruction of platelets during Dengue and Chikungunya. The bark of the stem is boiled in water with dry ginger powder & long pepper for treating malaria. For full medicinal uses check my early video on Night Jasmine. In short this is a tree with numerous medicinal uses.



49.  Siju/Hiju plant - Scientific name is Euphorbia ligularia of family Euphorbiaceae. Uses :  Latex used in otorrhoea, asthma, piles, ringworm, carbuncle headache and as purgative; stem used in abscess, painful swelling, boils; leaves used in rheumatism, cough, influenza, malignant pustule and boils. The herbal plant’s poisonous milky white latex is used by many for treating various kind of diseases from a snake bite to enlargement of liver & spleen & is a famous herb for treating breathing disorders including asthma, bronchitis & chest congestion.


50.  Singori also pani singori plant - Scientific name is Trapa bispinosa Roxb of family Trapaceae & also famous as water caltrop. Uses :  Roots used in blistering spots on the body with pain and sensation. It is one of the best fruit in eliminating toxins from the body. Water caltrop is not an attractive looking fruit but it is full of health benefits. It is known by different names in different places like in India it is known as singhara or paniphal & also known as water chestnut, devil pod & many other names. Water caltrop is rich in minerals like iodine, manganese & potassium. Eating this fruit can prevent goiter, thyroid problems & used to treat sore throat, tonsils, cough & helps in proper functioning of thyroid. Eating this fruit can prevent & heal Leucorrhoea also. Water caltrop is also very effective in curing Anorexia & has the ability to heal gastric ulcers, prevent sugar, & heart diseases




51.  Simalu-alu and Scientific name is Manihot esculenta Crantz of Family : Euphorbiaceae also famous as cassava. Cassava is the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. It is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils. Cassava is classified as either sweet or bitter. Like other roots and tubers, both bitter & sweet varieties of cassava contain antinutritional factors & toxins, with the bitter varieties containing much larger amounts. Medicinally, the poisonous juice is boiled down to a syrup and given as an aperient. Fresh rhizome made into a poultice is applied to sores. The flour cooked in grease, the leaf stewed and pulped, and the root decocted as a wash are said to be folk remedies for tumors. Cassava is used in folk remedies for cancerous affections, condylomata, excrescences of the eye, and tumors. It is antiseptic, cyanogenetic, demulcent, diuretic, and POISON. Cassava is a folk remedy for abscesses, boils, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, dysentery, flu, hernia, inflammation, marasmus, prostatitis, snakebite, sore, spasm, swellings & testicles.


52.  Tenga mora and Scientific name is Hibiscus sabdarifa of family Malvaceae & also known as Roselle. Uses :  leaves used in stomach trouble & good for high blood pressure. The green leaves are used like a spicy version of spinach. The red calyces of the plant are increasingly exported to the United States and Europe, particularly Germany. I use to make rosella jam with the roselle fruit, which are very healthy & tasty to eat. It Provides relief from cramps and menstrual pain, Boosts immune system (prevents cold and flu), Prevents colorectal cancer, Increases both urination & bowel movements(due to its diuretic properties) protects the liver & much more.



53.  Tengeshi-tenga and Scientific name is Oxalis corniculata of family Oxalidaceae & commonly known as Indian Sorrel & Creeping Woodsorrel. Uses :  Whole plant used in dysentery, melaena, insect bite, liver disorders, eczema, loss of appetite, piles and blood dysentery; roots used in sexual debility and in nervous debility. The leaves of are a good source of Calcium, vitamin C & carotene.


54.  Tezmui/Tezamaya plant - Zanthoxylum nitidum of family Rutaceae. Uses :  Roots used in asthma and rheumatism; stem used in pyorrhea & to control labour pain & easy child birth. The different plant parts like leaves, fruits, stem, bark, seeds & roots are used medicinally against different diseases. A decoction of the root is used in the treatment of Fever, Rheumatism, Toothache, Stomachache & Boils. A decoction of the leafy branches acts as a coolant, disinfectant & bechic. It is used as a gargle to treat inflamed throat. The bark is used to treat toothache & use to clean the teeth like a natural tooth brush. The bark and roots of the plant contains resin. Resin is a powerful stimulant & tonic. The fruit of the plant is very beneficial medicinally. It treats Stomach ache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Lumbago & Uterine Haemorrhage. The methanol extract of stem wood of Zanthoxylum Nitidum possesses Anti inflammatory property. The plant is also used as an Insecticide.



55.  Tezpat plant - Scientific name is Cinnamomum tamala (Hamilt.) of family Lauraceae & famous as bay leaf. Uses : Bark and leaves used in cough, loss of appetite and in indigestion. The leaves are often added to dishes which helps in improving digestion, caffeic acid & rutin in bay leaves enhance our heart health, good for Diabetics, The presence of linalool lowers the level of stress hormones in our body, reduce the chances of developing conditions like arthritis & it is a Natural Wound Healer.


56.  Til plant - Scientific name is Sesamum orientale of family Pedaliaceae & commonly known as Black Sesame Seeds. Uses :  Leaves used to prevent dandruff; seeds used in headache and as galactagogue. It is believed that the nutrients in black sesame seeds can help in postponing or reversing, certain age-related side effects. The sesamin found in sesame seeds can protect the liver from disease. The seeds are rich in fiber, lignans (cell reinforcements) and phytosterol (phytochemicals), which can protect us against the development of colon cancer. Good for high blood pressure & Black sesame seeds are abundant in calcium & zinc for strong bones.


57.  Tulashi plant - Scientific name is Ocimum sanctum of family Lamiaceae. Uses :  Roots used in sexual debility; leaves used in cough, respiratory problem, sore throat, liver disorders, conjunctivitis and as expectorant and carminative. From the leaves to the seed, holy basil is considered a tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. Different parts of the plant are recommended for treating different conditions: Fresh flowers for bronchitis. Leaves & seeds with black pepper for malaria. It is also used to treat diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, eczema, stomach ulcers, eye diseases & leaves are crushed for treating insect bites. The plant is rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, zinc, iron & chlorophyll.

58.  Tita-bhekuri/Hati-bhekuri and Scientific name is Solanum torvum of family Solanaceae. Uses : Roots used in puerperal diseases; fruits used in bronchial asthma & intestinal colic. There are different varieties of this berry such as smaller & bigger varieties with huge medicinal benefits to the human body. This berry helps to bind stools, good for heart, digestion & manages cough, neurological disorders & digestive issues. It corrects tastelessness of mouth, anorexia, skin disease, fever, asthma, cough & body aches. Due to its hot potency, it promotes digestive fire, and manages fever, asthma & pain. Normally the berries are eaten raw by making a nice paste with boiled potatoes, onions & table salt. The seeds boost uterine contraction so are used in dysmenorrheal amenorrhea & in difficult labor. It is one of the best blood purifier hence benevolent in blood disorders.

59.  Tita bahak and Botanical name is Phlogacanthus pubinervius  of  Family Acanthaceae (Acanthus family). Leaves, roots & flowers contains many medicinal properties act as antidote for pox, anti-diabetic, coughs, colds, anti-asthma, prevent most type of skin diseases, jaundice, rheumatism, analgesic & antipyretic. It is an important medicinal flower plant of North East India but very less documented & evaluated known by different names like Red Nongmangkha & in our local language known as Banheka/Titabahak. The honey extracted from the flowers of these plant during the month of March to May are very bitter in taste, which are used as liver tonic.


60.  Thekera and Scientific name is Garcinia pedunculata of family Clusiaceae. It has got many super health benefits like helps in eliminating Extremely Damaging Toxins, Destroy Harmful Parasites in the Digestive Tract, helps in losing weight & much more. If you are struggling to lose body fat, then it can remove 'Sludge' from the walls of the Stomach (that prevents Fat Burning) & can help you to lose weight much easier & quicker than by doing exercise or dieting. It can help the human body to get rid of gas, bloating & increase energy level by boosting energy. It is also eaten by many to regulate high blood pressure. It is eaten not only to maintain good health but for preventing many kinds of stomach diseases. It is one of the best summer drinks prepared at home.

       to be continued...... 

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